The security guard at work asked me the other day what do I do – he said I’m always on the phone, work odd hours and I’m the usually the last to leave, which isn’t a great feat considering I contract for the government. I responded by saying my name is Jack (I call myself Jack when talking to the phonetically deprived which is most people in London) – and I am a Jack of all trades.
A training consultant asked me what I do the other day and I thought the question merited a more detailed answer taking in consideration the person asking the question. My response was that I am a bit of a gardener, or more precisely I dig the ground. I determine the need, work out where the money is coming from, find out who’s in charge, and what’s the time scales? The next step is an idea, a lot of phone calls and the not so fun bit a lot of work.
Other than that I try to always smile when entering a room - so with a happy smile welcome to my blog :).
Here you will find some of my original ideas, some copied and some adapted.
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