Friday, July 25, 2008

Just a quick one for a Friday afternoon – will Raymond still fly Qantas?

Charlie: Ray, all airlines have crashed at one time or another, that doesn't mean that they are not safe.
Raymond: QANTAS. QANTAS never crashed.
Charlie: QANTAS?
Raymond: Never crashed.
Charlie: Oh that's gonna do me a lot of good because QANTAS doesn't fly to Los Angeles out of Cincinnati, you have to get to Melbourne! Melbourne, Australia in order to get the plane that flies to Los Angeles!

Check out the hole in the plain:

So movie fact: Qantas never crash ... considering they landed safely we'll give them that one.
Movie Myth: Getting sucked out of a broken window in a passenger liner... considering the size of the hole in the plain ... by movie standards half the people on that plane should be in the ocean.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My new blogg

I have decided to put structure in place towards my daily ponderings and share these thoughts with the rest of the world. Also I have started playing around with all the lovely web features that Google have invested in. A new toy to fill the Kerviel Gap.

So to all those that happen to stumble on my little scratch book of ideas I hope you enjoy the reading …